
  1. 1. Only two things are the same
  2. 6. To cut in half
  3. 10. Measure a corner
  4. 12. Less than 90 degrees
  5. 13. Inside
  6. 17. A 4 sided shape
  7. 20. A line from corner to opposite corner
  8. 21. Everything is the same
  9. 22. Only one pair of parallel sides
  10. 24. To sort things
  11. 25. No balance or organised arrangement
  12. 26. Adjacent sides equal
  13. 27. The strongest shape
  1. 2. Greater than 90 degrees
  2. 3. A tiny box in a diagram
  3. 4. Pleasingly proportionate to the eyes
  4. 5. The most specific quadrilateral
  5. 7. Curved inwards
  6. 8. Shape of a table
  7. 9. Outside
  8. 11. Running perfectly along side each other
  9. 14. Slanty square
  10. 15. Nothing is the same
  11. 16. Opposite sides parallel
  12. 18. Arranged in a perfect pattern
  13. 19. Curved outwards
  14. 23. To spin