
  1. 2. Line that intersects 2 or more coplanar lines at different points.
  2. 5. lines that are noncoplanar, not parallel, and do not intersect.
  3. 6. the C in A^2+B^2=C^2
  4. 7. Part of a circle.
  5. 8. The distance around a geometric figure.
  6. 11. An equation stating 2 ratios are equal.
  7. 13. A solid three-dimensional figure, whose surface is made up of polygons.
  8. 16. A region bounded by the arc of a circle and the 2 radii to the arcs endpoints.
  9. 17. Where the lines that contain the altitudes of a triangle are concurrent.
  10. 19. Segment whose endpoints are a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side.
  11. 20. Has at least 2 equal sides.
  1. 1. A quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite side parallel.
  2. 3. Makes a 90 degree angle
  3. 4. Statement we accept as true and do not try to prove.
  4. 9. A set of all points in a space equidistant from a given point called the center.
  5. 10. has a sum of 180 degrees
  6. 12. Figures that have the exact same shape, size, and length.
  7. 14. The quotient of 2 quantities.
  8. 15. 90 degrees
  9. 18. 4 congruent sides.