
  1. 1. The set of all points extending in three dimensions.
  2. 4. A portion of a line with two endpoints.
  3. 7. A line with one endpoint, but extends forever in one direction.
  4. 8. Two points that share a line.
  5. 10. The point where a line, ray, segment, or plane intersect.
  6. 12. An infinite amount of lines that extends forever in every direction.
  7. 13. Something that is assumed is true, but is not proven.
  8. 14. Rotates an object around a point.
  9. 15. Two points or lines that share a plane.
  1. 2. Exact location in space.
  2. 3. Reflects an object across a line, like a mirror.
  3. 5. Moves an object on a coordinate plane.
  4. 6. An infinite amount of points that extend forever in opposite directions.
  5. 9. The branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of shapes.
  6. 11. A point at the end of a line segment.