
  1. 3. Two lines that do not intersect. They are not coplanar. (3.1)
  2. 6. Has zero dimension. Represented by a dot. (1.1)
  3. 9. Part of a circle that is equal to 180 degrees. It is half of a circle. (10.2)
  4. 11. Made up of two different rays with the same endpoints. Endpoint is the vertex, and rays are the side. (1.4)
  5. 13. Two angles that lie between two lines. They are on opposite sides of the transversal. (3.1)
  6. 17. The amount of space taken up in a flat, 2-D object. It is measured in units squared. (11.3)
  7. 18. Has one dimension. Represented by a line with two arrow heads. (1.1)
  8. 19. Two angles that lie outside parallel lines. They are on opposite sides of the transversal. (3.1)
  1. 1. The distance around a circle. It is measured by calculating 2πr. (11.1)
  2. 2. lines Two lines that do not intersect. They are coplanar. (3.1)
  3. 4. Bigger than one results in an enlargement. Smaller than one results in a reduction. (9.6)
  4. 5. Have a common endpoint. They are collinear. (1.1)
  5. 7. An angle whose vertex is the center of the circle. The two endpoints of the angle are on the circle. (10.2)
  6. 8. A chord that goes through the center of a circle. It is twice the length of the radius. (10.1)
  7. 10. Part of a circle that is less than 180 degrees. It is the measure of the central angle. (10.2)
  8. 12. Has two dimensions. Through any three points not on the same line, there is exactly one. (1.1)
  9. 14. A segment from the center to the edge of a circle. It is one half of the diameter. (10.1)
  10. 15. Part of a circle that is greater than 180 degrees. It is measured by taking 360 degrees minus the measure of the minor arc. (10.2)
  11. 16. A transformation that produces an image that is the same shape as the original. It is a different size, an enlargement or reduction. (9.6)
  12. 20. Has one endpoint. The other keeps going. (1.1)