
  1. 4. A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y). The coordinate x is given by the labels below the grid, and the coordinate y is given by the labels to the left of the grid.
  2. 7. The discriminant of the equation ax2+bx+c=0 is the quantity b2−4ac. A quadratic equation has two solutions if its discriminant is positive, one solution if its discriminant is zero, and no real solutions if its discriminant is negative.
  3. 8. root: The cube root of a, written 3√a, is the number whose cube is a. That is, (3√a)3=a.
  4. 10. number: A value less than zero (like −3).
  5. 11. An expression that is multiplied by another expression, or that can be multiplied by another expression to produce a specified result.
  6. 13. A straight line, or an equation or expression whose graph is a straight line. If m and b are constants, then mx+b is a linear expression, and a function f defined by f(x)=mx+b is a linear function.
  7. 14. In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  8. 15. A mathematical sentence that uses one of the symbols <, >, ≤, or ≥.
  1. 1. A constant that a variable or expression is multiplied by.
  2. 2. The set of inputs (x-coordinates) of a relation or function.
  3. 3. of symmetry: A line that you can flip (or reflect) a graph across that results in the same graph.
  4. 5. value: The distance a number is from 0.
  5. 6. A single fixed number (unlike a variable, whose value can vary).
  6. 9. Using exponents, especially using variables in exponents.
  7. 12. A relation in which no x-coordinate appears in more than one (x,y) ordered pair. This means you can think of a function as a transformation that takes each x-coordinate to its single corresponding y-coordinate.