
  1. 5. angle sum is 180 degrees
  2. 8. created by 2 distinct rays that share a common endpoint
  3. 10. closed four sided figure
  4. 11. quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides
  5. 13. quadrilateral with 4 right angles
  6. 15. set of points that satisfy a given condition
  7. 16. the part of a line between 2 points on a line
  8. 18. lines that don't intersect
  9. 20. comparison of 2 quantities by division
  10. 22. having the same relative position
  11. 23. lines lines that cross each other
  12. 24. polygons whose sides are congruent
  13. 25. same distance
  1. 1. point at which 2 or more lines intersect
  2. 2. quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel
  3. 3. 2 lines that intersect at a right angle
  4. 4. angle sum is 90 degrees
  5. 6. having the same size, shape and measure
  6. 7. divides a segment or angle into 2 equal parts
  7. 9. occurs at both ends of a line segment
  8. 12. lines that don't lie in the same place
  9. 14. polygons whose angles are congruent
  10. 17. an equation that states 2 ratios are equal
  11. 19. angle have a common vertex and side but no common interior point
  12. 21. figures that have the same size and shape