
  1. 3. segment a straight part of a line and has two endpoints
  2. 4. three sided figure
  3. 7. eight sided figure
  4. 8. six sided figure
  5. 12. five sided figure
  6. 13. a shape that does not start and end at the same point
  7. 16. flat shape
  8. 17. an exact position or location
  1. 1. angle an angle that forms a square corner
  2. 2. the shared endpoint of an angle
  3. 5. points that are used to show segments of lines
  4. 6. a closed plane shape that is made up of line segments
  5. 9. is formed by town rays that share an endpoint
  6. 10. ten sided figure
  7. 11. a straight path that continues in both directions and does not end
  8. 14. a shape that starts and ends at the same point
  9. 15. part of a line that has one endpoint and continues in one direction