
  1. 4. three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base
  2. 8. is the perimeter of a circle
  3. 10. is used to make the objects larger or smaller
  4. 12. is an angle whose apex (vertex) is the center O of a circle
  5. 15. units of measurement, especially of temperature or angles, usually shown by the symbol ° written after a number
  6. 18. A ray or a line who divides an angle into two equal parts
  7. 19. A three sided shape
  8. 21. a system to measure the height, weight, capacity or even amount of certain objects
  9. 24. a straight one-dimensional figure that does not have a thickness, and it extends endlessly in both direction
  10. 25. points that lie on the same straight line or in a single line
  11. 28. Shape with no right lines
  12. 32. 2 pairs of same sides, with an angle of 90*
  13. 33. The angles that lie inside a polygon
  14. 34. A same number multiplied by three times
  15. 35. a solid shape that is bound on all its sides by plane faces
  16. 37. opposite/adjacent
  17. 38. the study of geometric figures by plotting them in the coordinate axes
  1. 1. Distance above sea level
  2. 2. a geometric form especially when considered as a set of geometric elements in space of a given number of dimensions
  3. 3. a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions, angles, and dimensions of things
  4. 5. A polygon with 8 sides
  5. 6. a special type of quadrilateral that has both pairs of opposite sides parallel and equal
  6. 7. the centre point of the object
  7. 8. three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces:
  8. 9. Opposite, Hypotenuse and
  9. 11. two lines in the same plane that are at equal distance from each other and never meet
  10. 13. the space occupied within the boundaries of an object in three-dimensional space
  11. 14. is a quadrilateral with reflection symmetry across a diagonal
  12. 16. a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height
  13. 17. a piece or part of a line having two endpoints
  14. 20. opposite/hypotenuse
  15. 22. a point that is exactly in the middle of the line segment joining two points
  16. 23. the length of the line through the center that touches two points on the edge of the circle
  17. 25. a three-dimensional shape consisting of two parallel circular bases, joined by a curved surface
  18. 26. Angle with less than 90*
  19. 27. polygon having ten sides
  20. 29. triangle that has two equal sides
  21. 30. formula is ½ x h x b
  22. 31. a closed two-dimensional polygon with six sides
  23. 34. Is a straight line segment whose endpoints both lie on a circular
  24. 36. adjacent/hypotenuse=