
  1. 3. a rule that assigns to each point of a figure another point in the plane called its image
  2. 6. an isometry in which each point is moved by the same factor
  3. 10. any angle greater than 90 degrees
  4. 13. either of two angles whose sum is 180 degrees
  5. 15. lines that lie in the same plane and does not intersect
  6. 17. the point on the line segment that is the same distance from both endpoints
  7. 18. a line segment from the center of a circle or sphere to a point on a circle or sphere
  8. 20. a quadrilateral with pairs of angles and 2 congruent arrows
  9. 22. a point on a line and all the points of the line that lie on one side of this point
  10. 23. two noncollinear rays having a common endpoint
  11. 24. an isometry in which every point and its image are on opposite sides and the same distance from a fixed line
  12. 30. a polyhedron consisting of a polygon base and triangular faces that share a common vertex
  13. 31. the point where a line crosses the x axis
  14. 32. a perpendicular segment from a vertex to a base
  15. 33. a parallel to the plane of the horizon at right angles to the vertical
  16. 34. root a number which produce a specified quantity when multiplied by itself
  17. 37. bring the different elements of a complex activity or organization into relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony
  18. 39. a ring shaped object, structure or region
  1. 1. a polygon with six sides
  2. 2. two figures that are same but different shapes
  3. 3. line the straight line that just touches the curve of that point
  4. 4. a closed figure in a plane, formed by connecting line segments endpoints to endpoints with each segment intersecting exactly two others
  5. 5. a type of triangle in which all three internal angles of the triangle are
  6. 6. a three sided polygon
  7. 7. a point of intersection of two or more rays or line segments in a geometric figure
  8. 8. a measure of three dimensional space
  9. 9. a quantity that has both magnitude and direction
  10. 11. a branch of mathematics concerned with properties and relation of points
  11. 12. a solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section
  12. 14. in a two dimensional coordinate system the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between two points on a line
  13. 16. an undefined term thought as a straight continuous arrangement of many points
  14. 19. the ratio of corresponding lengths in similar figures
  15. 21. an undefined term thought of as a flat surface that extends infinitely along its edges
  16. 25. the point where a line crosses the y axis
  17. 26. a conjecture that has been proved within a deductive system
  18. 27. a flat shape with 4 straight lines and 2 pairs of sides
  19. 28. to divide into two congruent parts
  20. 29. a center of a coordinate
  21. 35. a parallelogram with opposite equal acute sides
  22. 36. the ratio of the mass of an object to it's volume
  23. 38. a unit of measure for angles and arcs