
  1. 2. Shape of a tennis ball.
  2. 3. To cut a line segment in half.
  3. 6. To judge or rate.
  4. 7. “Hey can you turn down the ______.”
  5. 8. Opposite of equality.
  6. 10. Spongebob ______ Pants!
  7. 13. A diamond shape with 4 equal sides.
  8. 14. Ice Cream ____.
  9. 22. A point where a line crosses the x-axis.
  10. 24. The _____________ of a circle.
  11. 25. Circumference of a ______.
  12. 26. If an apple is 3-dimensional, then what is a piece of paper?
  13. 27. Opposite of exterior.
  14. 28. Shape with 5 sides.
  15. 30. Second, ______, hour, day, week, month, year.
  16. 32. Did you know that the shape of a slice of watermelon is a __________.
  17. 35. The action which to shrink a shape or make it larger.
  18. 37. It’s a bird! It’s a _____! It’s a Frog!
  19. 39. 3.14159265359…
  20. 40. A 90 degree angle.
  21. 41. A quadrilateral that has only 1 pair of parallel sides.
  22. 43. The middle of a triangle’s circumcircle.
  23. 45. A graph with a long straight line across it.
  24. 46. The _______ of Giza.
  25. 47. The _____ represents the angular position of a function.
  26. 49. Shape with 8 sides.
  27. 50. The action of moving one way a certain amount of degrees.
  1. 1. 2 lines that are identical.
  2. 4. Made up of an exact same length of sides around an axis.
  3. 5. A mathematic branch with specific Functions of angles. (COS, SIN, TAN)
  4. 9. The space covering the area of a 3-d shape.
  5. 11. A 3-sided shape.
  6. 12. ________ is all about shapes and angles.
  7. 15. Humpty Dumpty.
  8. 16. A horizontal line that passes through 2 specified points.
  9. 17. Another word for square root, a _______ symbol.
  10. 18. Two lines that intercept, all at 90 degrees.
  11. 19. I can see my __________ in the mirror.
  12. 20. A point in the middle of a line segment.
  13. 21. Where 2 lines end at a meeting point.
  14. 23. Look and arrow! It doesn’t _____ the right way.
  15. 29. A line for plotting numbers.
  16. 31. A point where a line crosses the y-axis.
  17. 33. 2 objects that are the same.
  18. 34. 2 things with a resemblance but not the same.
  19. 36. A 4-sided shape with 2 pairs of parallel sides adjacent to each other.
  20. 38. A 10-sided shape.
  21. 42. A solid figure is with 2 sides of the same type of shape that are rectilinear.
  22. 44. A 3-d shape with six sides.
  23. 48. Another word for shape.