
  1. 2. three dimensional figure with six square faces
  2. 3. angle smaller than 90 degrees
  3. 4. (0,0)
  4. 9. equally distant
  5. 10. to figure out
  6. 14. measurements describing the size of an object
  7. 15. lines coplanar lines that will never intersect
  8. 17. line representing all real numbers
  9. 18. angle that measures more than 90 degrees less than 180 degrees
  10. 19. 3d shape with no curve edges
  11. 21. space in a solid object
  12. 23. geometric figure or graph having two parts that are congruent
  13. 26. side of a right triangle that is opposite of the right angle
  14. 27. the study of geometric figures
  15. 28. with latin roots bi meaning 2 and secare meaning “to cut”
  16. 31. a three dimensional shape that is 2 circles connected
  17. 32. distance around the outside of a circle
  18. 34. 3 sided shape with interior angles always adding up to 180
  19. 35. Part of a line that starts at one point and goes on in one direction infinitely
  20. 36. Lines or curves that meet at a single point
  21. 37. either of the two rays on an angle
  22. 38. polygon with congruent sides and angles
  1. 1. a squared+b squared=c squared
  2. 5. polygon that has an interior angle total of 540 degrees
  3. 6. transformation in which a shape grows larger
  4. 7. altering the form of a figure
  5. 8. vertex at the top of a cone or period
  6. 11. height Shortest distance between the base and the top of a shape
  7. 12. points on the same line
  8. 13. the halfway point between two points
  9. 16. Line segment, line, or plane that cuts a shape in half
  10. 19. 3.141592653589793288462643383279502884197
  11. 20. shape with three congruent sides
  12. 22. surrounded by a circle that is as small as possible
  13. 24. A quadrilateral that has 2 pairs of adjacent congruent sides
  14. 25. Line segment on the inside of a circle with both endpoints on a circle
  15. 29. angles two acute angles that add up to 90
  16. 30. polygon with 10 sides
  17. 31. exactly equal
  18. 32. three dimensional shape with a circular base tempering up to an apex
  19. 33. lying in the same plane