
  1. 4. the first part of an "if, then" statement
  2. 6. a type of triangle that is not a right triangle
  3. 9. the side opposite of the right angle in a right triangle
  4. 10. of an angle less than 90°
  5. 12. situated in the middle
  6. 13. an example that proves a statement false
  7. 15. the exact middle point
  8. 19. a line splitting and angle into two equal parts
  9. 20. a point at which two or more things intersect
  1. 1. the second part of an "if, then" statement
  2. 2. the 'steepness' of the line
  3. 3. an amount of space between two things
  4. 5. a triangle with equal
  5. 7. theorem A^2+B^2=C^2
  6. 8. a line that divides a line or an angle into two equivalent parts
  7. 11. a line intersecting parallel lines
  8. 14. segment middle of the line
  9. 16. angle measurement greater than 90°
  10. 17. a straight line at an angle of 90° to a given line
  11. 18. the sides of a right triangle that aren't the hypotenuse