
  1. 4. the point where 2 rays come together to form an angle
  2. 7. 3 or more points on the same line
  3. 8. 2 adjacent angles that form a line
  4. 9. an angle whose measure is exactly 180 degrees
  5. 10. same size and shape
  6. 12. 2 angles whose sum is 180 degrees
  7. 13. an angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees
  8. 16. an angle whose measure is exactly 90 degrees
  9. 17. a flat surface made up of points that extend forever in all directions
  10. 20. that never intersect
  1. 1. a single location on a flat surface
  2. 2. lines that meet to form a right angle
  3. 3. points not on the same line
  4. 5. angles that share a common ray and vertex point
  5. 6. part of a line that has 2 endpoints
  6. 11. congruent non-adjacent angles that are formed by an intersecting line
  7. 14. a collection of points that travel in opposite directions forever
  8. 15. part of a line that has has one endpoint and continues in one direction
  9. 18. 2 angles whose sum is 90 degrees
  10. 19. an angle whose measure is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees