  1. 4. Lines that run next to each other and never meet
  2. 5. denominator. You need this to add or subtract fractions
  3. 8. an angle bigger than 90 and smaller than 180 degrees
  4. 10. an angle with 180 degrees in it
  5. 11. lines that have a 90 degree angle between them
  6. 15. top part of a fraction
  7. 16. this has a point at one end and an arrow at the other
  8. 17. two angles that share a common side (next door neighbors)
  9. 19. add, subtract, multiply and divide
  10. 21. bottom part of a fraction
  11. 22. In the term "3a" the a is the ______________
  1. 1. In the term "3a", the 3 is the _________
  2. 2. two expressions with an = between them
  3. 3. two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  4. 6. The number out of 100
  5. 7. an angle measuring less than 90 degrees
  6. 9. "A fraction is just a fancy ___________ problem."
  7. 12. contains variables, constants, and operations but does not have an = sign
  8. 13. the letters or unknowns in an expression or equation
  9. 14. common multiple. the smallest number two numbers can go into
  10. 18. two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  11. 20. common factor. the largest number that goes into two numbers