
  1. 4. A triangle that none of their sides are equal is called a _____ triangle.
  2. 5. A location in space.
  3. 7. A triangle that has 3 equal sides is called a _____ triangle.
  4. 9. A closed flat shape made from all straight lines.
  5. 12. A triangle with an obtuse angle.
  6. 15. A triangle with an acute angle.
  7. 17. A shape with three sides and three angles that add up to 180 degrees.
  8. 18. An angle that is smaller than a right angle.
  9. 19. At least two points connected by a straight line that goes on forever in both directions
  1. 1. A shape with two pairs of parallel lines.
  2. 2. A triangle that has two equal sides is called a _____ triangle.
  3. 3. Formed by rays, lines and line segments that meet at a common point.
  4. 6. How many degrees is a right angle?
  5. 8. Two or more points connected by a straight line that ends at two points.
  6. 10. An angle that is bigger than a right angle.
  7. 11. A common point that helps form an angle.
  8. 13. A shape that is a mirror image of itself (is the same on both sides) in at least one place is ______.
  9. 14. At least two points connected by a straight line that goes on forever in one direction.
  10. 16. A triangle that has one right angle is called a _____ triangle.