
  1. 3. -a straight line form the circumference to center of a circle
  2. 4. -the likeliness of something to happen
  3. 6. -finding a value using operands and math operator
  4. 7. - the area of the outside faces on a figure without the inclusion of the bases
  5. 8. - a two-dimensional plane made by intersection of two lines
  6. 13. -angles that add up to 180º
  7. 14. -ratio of circumference to diameter
  8. 16. -the extent of a surface piece of land
  9. 17. -angels that add up to 90º
  10. 18. -three dimensional shape with two equal sides
  11. 19. -the measure around a circle
  1. 1. -the measurement around a shape
  2. 2. -a three sided figure
  3. 5. -a figure with at least three sides and three angels
  4. 9. -the area where two different lines intersect
  5. 10. -a three dimensional figure with a polygon base
  6. 11. -a straight line passing form side to side in a circle or sphere
  7. 12. -shapes that look the same
  8. 13. - the area of the outside faces on a figure
  9. 15. -the total amount of space a object takes up