
  1. 1. A Triangle with no equal sides.
  2. 3. A quadrilateral where opposite sides are parallel.
  3. 5. A point where two sides meet.
  4. 6. A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
  5. 8. Part of a line that has two end points.
  6. 9. A parallelogram with four equal sides and equal opposite angles.
  7. 11. A polygon with four sides and four angles.
  8. 14. A Triangle that has one right angle.
  9. 15. A polygon with a continuous line that is always the same distance from the center.
  1. 2. A plane figure with the same size and same shape.
  2. 4. A Triangle with all equal sides.
  3. 7. A Triangle with two equal sides.
  4. 10. A polygon with 3 sides and 3 angles.
  5. 12. Who made this?
  6. 13. Line segment of a polygon.
  7. 14. An angle that is 90 degrees.