
  1. 2. shape
  2. 7. angel two angels that equal 90°
  3. 8. Base X Height
  4. 9. 3.14
  5. 11. angle 180
  6. 13. the space taken by a flat 2-d shape
  7. 15. part of a circle from the middle
  8. 16. grater than 90 less than 180
  1. 1. shape with even sides
  2. 3. the distance around a circle
  3. 4. shape with 4 sides
  4. 5. angle two angles that equal 180°
  5. 6. a line that goes through the center of the circle
  6. 10. 3 sides
  7. 12. angle 90 degrees
  8. 14. angle less than 90 more than 0