
  1. 2. cut in two congruent halfs
  2. 5. next to or neighboring
  3. 8. a line. A description of any graph or data that can be modeled by a linear polynomial.
  4. 9. the perpendicular distance from the base of a figure
  5. 10. plurel of axis
  6. 11. a polygon with ten sides
  7. 13. A figure that is self-similar. That is, no matter how far you zoom in on the figure, the portion you look at is similar to the original figure. The Koch edge, below, is a fractal
  8. 14. A shape or solid which has an indentation or "cave". Formally, a geometric figure is concave if there is at least one line segment connecting interior points which passes outside of the figure.
  9. 16. an angle with less than a 90 degrees or but more than 0
  1. 1. constant not changeing, not moving
  2. 3. Two rays sharing a common endpoint. Angles are typically measured in degrees or radians.
  3. 4. A three dimensional figure with a single base tapering to an apex. The base can be any simple closed curve. Often the word cone refers to a right circular cone.
  4. 6. Perfectly flat and level. For example, the horizon is horizontal. So is the floor.
  5. 7. A transformation in which a graph or geometric figure is picked up and moved to another location without any change in size or orientation.
  6. 12. A circle that passes through all vertices of a plane figure and contains the entire figure in its interior.
  7. 15. the vertex a the tip of a cone or pyramid