
  1. 6. comparison of two numbers by division
  2. 7. divides segment into two equal parts
  3. 8. contains two parts of a circle and the continous circle inbetween
  4. 9. equal
  5. 10. has three sides and a right angle
  6. 11. intersects circle in two points
  7. 13. a line segment
  8. 15. 90 degree angle
  9. 16. 4 right angles
  10. 18. party hat
  11. 19. sum of the area of the lateral faces
  12. 21. 2 parallel bases
  13. 22. triangle has angle greater than 90 degrees
  14. 27. points that dont lie on the same plane
  15. 28. endpoint on one side, goes on forever the other way
  16. 30. points that lie on the same plane
  17. 32. polygon that is equilangular and equilateral
  18. 33. arc less than 180
  19. 37. prism whos lateral faces are parrolelograms
  20. 38. logical argument made for your case
  21. 39. half of the length of a circle
  22. 40. teacher
  23. 42. congruent polygons laying in planes
  24. 45. points that lie on the same line
  25. 49. bisects an angle
  26. 50. 4 sides
  27. 51. finds the side of a triangle
  1. 1. triangle that has all angles under 90 degrees
  2. 2. perimiter of a circle
  3. 3. half of a circle
  4. 4. equation that states two ratios are equal
  5. 5. points that dont lie on the same line
  6. 12. 2 nonadjacent angles formed by intersecting lines
  7. 14. pi
  8. 17. three sides
  9. 20. angles of the triangle are all the same
  10. 23. can
  11. 24. segments that have the same length
  12. 25. a rule
  13. 26. # of cubic units in a shape
  14. 29. sum of the area of all the faces
  15. 31. set of all points
  16. 34. parrolelogram with consecutive angles congruent
  17. 35. statement made by negating the hypothesis and conclusion
  18. 36. prism whos lateral faces are rectangles
  19. 41. arc greater than 180
  20. 43. has sides and angles
  21. 44. length of a circle
  22. 46. set of points
  23. 47. has infinite length and width but no height
  24. 48. no shape, or size, represented by dot