
  1. 6. The value of a number according to it's y-intercept
  2. 7. An unknown number
  3. 9. Root The ______ ____ finds the number squared that gets that number
  4. 10. The number attached to a variable
  5. 11. When there is no x value that will solve the equation
  6. 12. An equation that is basic, does not have exponent as or with variable
  7. 14. That number times itself
  8. 15. An unknown number, usually represented by x
  1. 1. The value of a number according to it's x-intercept
  2. 2. An equation that is not linear, has an exponent with a variable
  3. 3. the root or number in a square root
  4. 4. Where two lines cross each other
  5. 5. When two equations have the same slope/are the same line
  6. 8. Having to do with square roots
  7. 13. An equation that has a variable as the exponent