
  1. 2. the statistics collected from a certain event
  2. 4. an event used to show probability by rolling it
  3. 5. an event used to show probability by flipping it
  4. 10. the probability of an event happening from 0 to 100 _______
  5. 11. probability that an event happens under the condition that another event happens
  6. 12. the amount of possible outcomes
  7. 15. a way to organize probability data using lines to connect the data
  1. 1. an uncertain process that gives a better idea of the possibility of a certain thing happening
  2. 3. used to compute probabilities of two independent events occurring
  3. 6. an effect that gets affected depending on another event
  4. 7. an event that doesn't affect or get affected by another event
  5. 8. the chance of an event happening
  6. 9. the result of something happening
  7. 13. a way to organize probability data in rows and columns
  8. 14. a way to organize probability data using circles to space out data