
  1. 4. in or near an inner area
  2. 5. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  3. 8. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle
  4. 10. the length of a straight line through the center of a circle
  5. 12. the 90 degree angle between two perpendicular lines
  6. 13. angle an angle between 90 and 180 degrees
  7. 16. an area that is in the middle of some larger area
  8. 19. a three-sided regular polygon
  9. 20. a specific identifiable position ina continuum or series
  1. 1. angle less then 90 degrees
  2. 2. a continuous portion of a circle
  3. 3. a shape with a circular base and side tapering to a point
  4. 5. an equal importance, rank, or degree
  5. 6. a surface generated by rotating a line around a fixed line
  6. 7. a point equidstant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
  7. 9. triangle a traingla with two equal sides
  8. 11. written on or in a surface
  9. 14. a triangle whose intinteriorgle are all acute
  10. 15. the space between two lines or plane that intersect
  11. 17. a plain curve with every point from every center
  12. 18. a line enclosing a plane area