
  1. 6. two lines that meet to create a 90 degree angle
  2. 8. two lines that will never touch
  3. 10. the amount of space a 2d objects takes up
  4. 11. a process used to find a missing angle of a right triangle
  5. 15. the perimeter of a certain amount of a circle
  6. 17. the chance of something happening
  7. 18. a process used to find the missing sides of any triangle
  8. 22. they add up to 90
  9. 25. a chart that includes 4+ bubbles that show you if triangles are equal or not
  1. 1. to be equal
  2. 2. if the outcome of an even is affected by another event
  3. 3. a process used to find a missing side of a right triangle
  4. 4. the area of a 3d object
  5. 5. they have equal measures
  6. 7. the outline of a 2d object
  7. 9. to make an object grow by a certain number
  8. 12. the amount of space a 3d object takes up
  9. 13. they add up to 180
  10. 14. an angle in between 1-89 degrees
  11. 16. an angle inbetwwen 90-180 degrees
  12. 19. a model that finds the probability of different situations in a rectangle formal
  13. 20. to muiltiply it by itselfs once
  14. 21. if the outcome of an event isnt affected by another even
  15. 23. a model that uses branches to find the probability of different situations
  16. 24. an angle that is 90 degrees