Geometry Basics

  1. 6. A four-sided polygon.
  2. 7. Formula to find the area of a parallelogram.
  3. 9. A six-sided polygon.
  4. 12. Quadrilateral having only one set of opposite sides that are parallel.
  5. 16. Lines that will cross at some point.
  6. 17. Formula to find area of a rectangle.
  7. 19. A parallelogram having four right angles.
  8. 20. Squared Formula to find the area of a square.
  9. 21. A group of points having no endpoints.
  10. 22. A three-sided polygon.
  11. 23. Formula to find the perimeter of a rectangle.
  12. 25. Shapes that have the same shape but not the same size.
  1. 1. Angle An angle of ninety degrees and a square corner.
  2. 2. A rectangle having four congruent sides.
  3. 3. Two rays sharing a common endpoint.
  4. 4. An eight-sided polygon.
  5. 5. Lines that form four right angles.
  6. 8. A seven-sided polygon.
  7. 10. A point where two sides meet.
  8. 11. Shapes that have the same shape and size.
  9. 13. A parallelogram having four congruent sides.
  10. 14. A five-sided polygon.
  11. 15. Distance around a polygon.
  12. 18. Lines that never intersect.
  13. 24. Formula to find the perimeter of a square.
  14. 26. A group of points having one end point.