  1. 4. is denoted as A'
  2. 7. A drawing using two tools only (usually compass and protractor)
  3. 9. Altitudes
  4. 11. The union of a half line and its origin
  5. 13. Angle bisectors; equidistant from sides
  6. 14. Of a conditional is obtained by negating the hypotheysis and the conclusion
  7. 16. a quadralaterial with two pairs of congruent consecutive sides but whose opposite sides are not congruent
  8. 17. (3 words no space)of an exterior angle are the two angles of the triangle that are not adjacentto the given exterior angle
  9. 19. Is aline that intersects two or more coplanar lines in more than one point
  10. 22. a triangle with no congruent sides
  11. 23. a conjunction of the form which is often written as ''p if and only if q''or ''p iff q''
  12. 25. of a triangle is a segment extending from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side
  13. 26. (2 words no space)segments with equal length
  14. 27. The definition identifies the class to which the object belongs and its distinguishing characteristics
  15. 28. Is the common origin of two rays(the middle of ABC)
  16. 30. an angle can be classified as this if its angle measure is less than 90 degreese
  17. 31. Every element in B is also in A
  18. 32. Medians:2/3 from vertex to opposite midpoint
  19. 33. Basic relationships that are assumed to be true without proof
  20. 35. (2 words no space)Points that lie on the same
  21. 38. (2 words no space)lines that are NOT coplainar
  22. 39. an angle is classified as this if its measure is greature than 90 degreese
  1. 1. a compound statement formed by connectiongtwo statements with the word or. The disjunction ''p or q''
  2. 2. A compound statement formed by connecting two statements with the word AND
  3. 3. Reasioning using patterns andspecific examples
  4. 5. (2 words no space)of a triangle forms a linear pair with one of the angle in a triangle
  5. 6. (2 words no space)lines whos intersection is a single point
  6. 8. Assumed to be true using reasiong and proof
  7. 10. (2 words no space)is a subset of a line consisting of all the points on a given side of a point on the line
  8. 12. (2 words no space)are triangles whoes corresponding sides and angles are congruent
  9. 15. (2 words no space)lines that do not intersect
  10. 18. a set of pointsin which everysegment with endpoints in the set is completley contained by the set
  11. 20. Of a line is the ratio of its rise over run
  12. 21. Of a point on a number line is the number that corresponds to that point
  13. 24. Of a conditional by reversing the hypothesis and the conclusion
  14. 29. the pair of angles formed by the base and the legs of an isocelse triangle, or the base and the legs of a trapezoid
  15. 34. Perpendicular bisectors; equidstant from verticies
  16. 36. of a statement this is denoted ~p or has the opposite truth value of p
  17. 37. Consists of two points and all the points inbetween them