Geometry Crossowrd

  1. 2. a triangle with 3 congruent sides
  2. 4. in a transformation, the original figure
  3. 6. a segment that joins 2 nonconsecutive vertices
  4. 8. the angle bisector of the angles of a triangle intersect at this point; equidistant from the sides of a triangle
  5. 11. the three medians of a triangle intersect at this point
  6. 12. a triangle with an angle measure that is more than 90 degrees
  7. 15. is a function or mapping that results in a change in the position, shape, or size of the figure
  8. 16. a segment joining a vertex to the opposite side so that it is perpendicular to that side
  9. 17. a triangle with 2 congruent sides
  10. 18. a line that intersects a circle at exactly 1 point
  11. 20. a triangle with angle measures that are less than 90 degrees
  1. 1. the perpendicular bisector of the sides of a triangle intersect at this point; equidistant from the vertices of a triangle
  2. 3. is an enlargement or reduction of a figure with respect to a fixed point
  3. 5. the resulting figure of a transformation
  4. 7. the intersection of the three attitudes in a triangle
  5. 9. a triangle with an angle measure of 90 degrees
  6. 10. a segment joining a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side
  7. 13. is a triangle with no congruent sides
  8. 14. a triangle with angles that are equal to each other
  9. 19. a quantity with both direction and magnitude or size