Geometry Definitions

  1. 4. is the point where the edges intersect
  2. 5. three noncollinear points and the segments that connect the points
  3. 7. is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent side congruent but opposite sides are not congruent and not parallel
  4. 9. is a segment that connects two points on the circle
  5. 10. is the set of points in a plane that are a given distance from a given point in the plane
  6. 11. is a segment that connects the midpoints of any two sides of a triangle
  7. 15. is the point of concurrency for the medians, it is 2/3 away from the vertices and is the center of gravity for the object
  8. 17. is a polyhedron with two congruent polygonal bases lying in parallel planes and lateral faces that are parallelograms
  9. 18. goes from the vertex of the intersection of all the lateral faces to the base and is perpendicular. For a right pyramid it will also intersect the base polygon at its center
  10. 19. comparison of two numbers with the same units by division
  11. 20. is a line that intersects a circle at two points
  1. 1. is a segment that connects the vertex of a triangle to the midpoint on the opposite side of the vertex
  2. 2. is the angle by which you must lower your line of sight in regards to the horizontal
  3. 3. is a line, ray, or a segment that splits a segment into two congruent segments and forms four right angles at the point of intersection
  4. 6. is a parallelogram with four congruent sides
  5. 8. two ratios set equal to each other where the product of the means are equal to the product of the extremes
  6. 12. is the altitude for a lateral face of a pyramid(cone)
  7. 13. is a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines at different points
  8. 14. a point that splits a segment into two congruent segments
  9. 16. objects with the same shape but not necessarily the same size