Geometry Definitions

  1. 2. A statement you believe to be true based on indeductive reasoning.
  2. 7. A flat surface with no thickness. It also is a vehicle for transportation that flies.
  3. 8. Any statement you can prove.
  4. 10. Using facts, definitions, or properties to draw a conclusion.
  5. 11. The absolute value of the difference of the coordinates.
  6. 13. Using boxes and arrows to show the structure of the proof.
  7. 14. A segment from a vertex that forms a right angle with a line containing the base. It is also how tall someone or something is.
  8. 16. A statement that can be written it the form "p if and only if q."
  9. 17. A straight path with no thickness extending forever. It also is a place where you have to wait your turn.
  10. 19. A three-sided polygon.
  1. 1. Term for points on the same line.
  2. 3. The most basic figures in geometry.
  3. 4. A style of proof that presents the steps of the proof and their matching reasons in a paragraph.
  4. 5. A figure formed by two rays or sides with a common endpoint called the vertex.
  5. 6. Using patterns to draw a conclusion.
  6. 9. Distance around a circle.
  7. 12. Term for points in the same plane.
  8. 15. Names a location and has no size.
  9. 18. An argument that uses logic, definitions, and previously proven statements to show a conclusion is true.
  10. 20. Two sides that form a right angle with the hypotenuse.