Geometry Module 1 Vocabulary

  1. 3. any segment, line, plane, or point that intersects a line segment at its midpoint
  2. 4. made of points & extends indefinitely in both directions
  3. 5. length of the line segment between 2 points
  4. 9. part of a line that contains 2 endpoints
  5. 10. accepted as true without proof
  6. 12. a location with no size only position
  7. 13. a boundless three-dimensional set of all points
  8. 15. equal or same measurements
  9. 17. type of geometry that uses the coordinate system
  10. 18. can be proven true using postulates & definitions
  1. 1. point on a line segment halfway between the endpoints of the segment
  2. 2. on the same line
  3. 6. same distance
  4. 7. place where two lines cross
  5. 8. a flat surface that extends indefinitely in all directions
  6. 11. type of geometry without use of coordinates
  7. 14. on the same plane
  8. 16. separate a line segment into 2 congruent segments