Geometry Puzzle

  1. 2. the extent or measurement of a surface or piece of land.
  2. 5. figures the angles that have equal measure.
  3. 6. are formed at corresponding corners when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal.
  4. 7. four sided shapes
  5. 8. the amount of space that a substance or object occupies,
  6. 9. the ratio of the side opposite the angle we know, or want to know, over the side adjacent to that angle
  7. 10. a triangle that has two sides of equal length.
  8. 13. angles are formed at corresponding corners when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal.
  9. 15. is a process that manipulates a polygon or other two-dimensional object on a plane or coordinate system
  10. 16. in which one of the interior angles is 90° is called a right triangle
  11. 17. a closed two dimensional figure in which the set of all the points in the plane is equidistant from a given point called “centre”
  12. 18. the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.
  13. 19. measures the space needed to cover the outside of a three-dimensional shape
  1. 1. each of the pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines.
  2. 3. two lines that meet or intersect each other at right angles .
  3. 4. theorem the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
  4. 11. defined as the ratio of the side of the angle opposite the angle divided by the hypotenuse
  5. 12. they share a common shape.
  6. 14. one shape becomes exactly like another when you move it in some way: turn, flip or slide
  7. 20. In a right-triangle, cos is defined as the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to that of the longest side