Geometry Review

  1. 6. When 2 somethings overlap with each other.
  2. 8. Divided into smaller parts.
  3. 11. Area enclosed by 2 radii and an arc.
  4. 12. The diameter is an example.
  5. 13. Longest chord of a circle.
  6. 17. A polygon which has the same number of sides as the six-gill shark's number of gills.
  7. 18. triangle A triangle in a circle.
  8. 19. This of a square would be 90 degrees.
  9. 20. A polygon which has the same number of sides as to a great white shark's number of gills.
  10. 21. Tangent outside.
  11. 25. Polygon with the same number of sides as there are the number of Fates in Greek mythology.
  12. 26. triangle A special isosceles triangle.
  13. 28. Polygon with angles of equal length.
  14. 30. Polygon with the same number of sides as an octapus's tentacles.
  15. 31. angle Next to the interior angle.
  1. 1. A polygon which has n--- sides.
  2. 2. When 2 lines form a 90 degree angle.
  3. 3. Perimeter of the circle.
  4. 4. 2D shape with 4 sides.
  5. 5. Tangent inside.
  6. 7. triangle A triangle with two equal interior angles.
  7. 9. circle The geometric shape with an infinite number of sides which is capable of enclosing a triangle.
  8. 10. Polygon with one more side than the pentagon.
  9. 14. In astrophysics, the point of which 2 or more bodies orbit.
  10. 15. Special rectangle.
  11. 16. Polygon with 5 sides.
  12. 22. A line which intersects a circle at a single point.
  13. 23. Enclosed 2D shape.
  14. 24. 7 straight lines which make up this enclosed shape.
  15. 27. Center of an inscribed circle.
  16. 29. Shortest distance fromt the center of a regular polygon to any of its sides.
  17. 32. The diameter halved.