geometry review

  1. 3. 2 angles that sum to 90 degrees
  2. 5. A line indefinitely in one direction
  3. 7. 2 angles with the same measure
  4. 10. A midpoint creates two congruent sides
  5. 11. angle less than 90 degrees
  6. 14. A measurable part of a line
  7. 18. 2 angles that sum to 180 degrees
  8. 19. where sides intersect (endpoint)
  9. 20. two angles and an included angle are congruent
  10. 21. A location with no size or shape
  11. 22. 90 degrees
  12. 24. Made up of points with no thickness or width
  13. 25. the intersection of 2 rays at an endpoint
  1. 1. angle more than 90 degrees
  2. 2. Two sides and included angle are congruent
  3. 4. Corresponding parts congruent triangles congruent
  4. 6. Two angles and a side opposite the are congruent
  5. 8. angle with a measure of 180
  6. 9. points that lie on the same line
  7. 12. A bisector will create 2 congruent angles
  8. 13. A flat surface made up of points
  9. 15. points that lie on the same plane
  10. 16. 2 angles directly across from each other
  11. 17. Three pairs of congruent sides
  12. 23. The hypotenuse and any one leg of a right triangle