Geometry review

  1. 2. noncoplanar lines that will not intersect
  2. 3. set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a point
  3. 5. two lines that intersect to form right angles
  4. 9. parallelogram with a right angle
  5. 10. two angles whose sum is 90 degrees
  6. 12. segments that have the same length
  7. 13. point that divides the segment into two congruent segments
  8. 14. equation that states two ratios are equal
  9. 16. the non-adjacent <'s formed by two intersecting lines
  10. 18. ray that divides an < into two = adjacent angles
  11. 19. points that do not lie on the same plane
  12. 21. set of pts that has infinite length and width but no height
  13. 22. angle whose measure is 180 degrees
  14. 24. coplanar lines that do not intersect
  15. 26. has no size; length, width, or height
  16. 27. comparison of two numbers by division
  1. 1. part of math that deals with pts, lines, planes and solids
  2. 2. two angles whose sum is 180 degrees
  3. 3. segment that connects two points on the circle
  4. 4. the distance around a circle.
  5. 6. quadrilateral with both pairs of sides parallel
  6. 7. points that lie on the same line
  7. 8. chord that passes through the center of the circle
  8. 10. angles that have the same measure
  9. 11. parallelogram with consecutive sides congruent
  10. 15. angle whose measure is 90 degrees
  11. 17. all sides congruent and all four right angles
  12. 20. line that intersects a circle in two points
  13. 23. quadrilateral with exactly one pair of sides parallel
  14. 25. set of points that has infinite length but no width or height