Geometry Semester 1 terms

  1. 3. two points that lie on the same line
  2. 6. Two angles that have a sum of 90 are ____________
  3. 7. When you negate the "if" and "then"
  4. 8. When two angles and the included side of corresponding triangles are congruent
  5. 10. __________ angles are angles that are across from each other and congruent
  6. 14. The first reason in nearly every proof
  7. 15. If a=b and b=c, then a=c is an example of the _________ property
  8. 16. Two Lines that never intersect are ____________
  9. 17. A(n) _________ angle measures less than 90 degress
  10. 19. An if-then statement
  11. 20. Two lines that intersect and form a right angle are _____________.
  12. 22. When two sides and the non-included angle of corresponding triangles are congruent
  13. 23. The part of the conditional that follows "then"
  14. 24. A(n) _________ angle measures greater than 90 but less than 180
  15. 25. The part of the conditional that follows "if"
  16. 27. Two angles that have a sum of 180 are ___________
  17. 28. An ___________ triangle has exactly 2 sides congruent
  18. 31. Two lines that are neither parallel or perpendicular are ___________.
  1. 1. Where the line crosses the y-axis
  2. 2. The _______ of a line is known as rise over run
  3. 4. When you flip the "if" and "then"
  4. 5. A(n) __________ angle measures exactly 90 degrees
  5. 9. If a=b then b=a is an example of the __________ property
  6. 11. The equation x=x is an example of the __________ property
  7. 12. The point that lies in the middle of two other points
  8. 13. An angle __________ is a ray that cuts an angle into two congruent angles
  9. 18. When you flip and negate the "if" and "then"
  10. 21. An __________ triangle has all congruent sides
  11. 26. When two sides and the included angle of corresponding triangles are congruent
  12. 29. A(n) __________ angle measures exactly 180 degrees
  13. 30. When the side, side, and side of corresponding triangles are congruent
  14. 31. The _____ of the 3 angles in a triangle always equals 180.