Geometry Symbols

  1. 3. angle = 90º
  2. 4. constant π = 3.141592654
  3. 5. formed by two rays
  4. 7. segment the line from point A to point B
  5. 8. line that start from point A
  6. 11. parallel lines
  7. 12. 1 turn = 360º
  8. 13. equivalence of geometric shapes and size
  9. 14. perpendicular lines (90º angle)
  1. 1. same shapes, not the same size
  2. 2. triangle shape
  3. 6. distance between points x and y
  4. 9. 1´ = 60´´
  5. 10. 1º = 60´
  6. 15. radians angle unit