Geometry terms

  1. 5. Half a circle
  2. 6. The distance around a figure.
  3. 8. A three sided figure.
  4. 10. the distance around a circle.
  5. 11. Making a shape larger or smaller
  6. 12. An angle that measures less than 90 degrees.
  7. 14. The amount of space a figure takes up
  8. 16. The relationship between the sides of a right triangle.
  9. 18. The longest side of a right triangle.
  10. 20. A four sided figure with on pair of parallel sides
  11. 21. An angle that measures 180 degrees.
  12. 23. The shape that has only one circle in it.
  13. 24. When a 3-d shape is flattened out.
  14. 25. Turning a shape.
  15. 26. A four sided figure with four equal sides and four right angles.
  1. 1. an angle with an angle that measures 90 degrees.
  2. 2. An angle that measure more than 90 but less than 180 deg
  3. 3. The shape that has a quadrilateral for all sides and two bases.
  4. 4. Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees.
  5. 5. Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees.
  6. 7. Two angles that share a common point and measure the same
  7. 9. The movement of a shape.
  8. 13. The shape that has a quadrilateral for all sides but only one base
  9. 15. The sum of the area of all sides of a figure
  10. 17. A flip of a shape.
  11. 19. A four sided figure with four right angles
  12. 22. Two rays that share a common vertex
  13. 23. The shape that has two circles in it.