geometry vocab

  1. 2. two dimensional shape made by drawing a curve. It is always the same distance from the center.
  2. 5. two lines that are right angles to each other. They are straight lines coming from different directions to form right angle.
  3. 7. change in position, shape or size. There is a before transformation, the pre- image, and an after transformation, the image.
  4. 8. points that lie on the same plane. They are always 3 points and can possibly be more.
  5. 9. flat surface made up of points. It is normally made up of 3 or more points expressed by combination of points or one letter representing the
  6. 11. transformation of plane that preserves length. Examples are reflections, rotations and translations.
  7. 13. points that do not have to be on the same line. They are scattered throughout all different. directions consisting of more than 2 or 3.
  8. 15. term for when sequence of transformations take place. Example- when we reflect point B over Y- axis we get B' and then translate that 7 down its B''.
  9. 16. transformation which changes the size of the figure but not its shape. It is non- isometric and examples are stretch, shear and dilation.
  10. 17. any line which you can fold the shape in half and it maps onto itself. A example is a square or hexagon
  11. 18. three or more points that lie on the same graph. They all connect to one another on the same straight line expressed through points.
  12. 19. slides a object a fixed distance in a given direction. They pre image and image will have same shape and size just different placement on the graph.
  1. 1. two coplanar lines that do not intersect. They can continue on forever with out touching.
  2. 3. transformation where pre-image and image are congruent. The size and shape stay the same but position will not.
  3. 4. made up of at least 2 points all connecting in a straight line. It has no thickness or width.
  4. 6. isometric transformation in which each point of the original figure has a figure that is the same distance from line of reflection but a different side of the line. It is the perpendicular bisector of the segment joining every point and its image.
  5. 10. formed by two rays and a common end
  6. 11. isometric transformation that turns a figure around a fixed point. An object and rotation are the same shape and size but the figure may be turned in different directions.
  7. 12. if the image maps onto itself under a rotation of 0 to 360 degrees. There is order of rotation (how many times the shape is rotated onto itself) divided by 360 to get your angle of rotation
  8. 14. A location in the graph. It has no size or shape and is expressed with a capital letter.
  9. 20. points that do not lie on the same plane. They can range from above 3 points.