Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 1. An angle between two sides of a triangle is a _______.
  2. 2. An angle that measure over 90 degrees is called __________.
  3. 7. Which transformation is being used when the size of a shape is changed but the shape stays the same?
  4. 9. Two lines that cross and make a 90 degree angle at their intersection is called __________.
  5. 10. This angle has a measurement of exactly 90 degrees.
  6. 12. This type of triangle does not have any equal sides.
  7. 13. Triangles that have the same sides and angles are ______.
  8. 14. Sides of two triangles that match are also called ________.
  9. 17. Two lines on a plane that never intersect are called ____________.
  10. 18. Which transformation is a rigid transformation that flips a pre-image over a certain line?
  11. 19. A transformation that moves every point of a figure the same distance is ________.
  1. 1. A triangle that has two equal sides is called __________.
  2. 3. What triangle has all equal sides?
  3. 4. The side opposite of a right angle of a right triangle is called ________.
  4. 5. What do you call an angle with a base as one of it's sides?
  5. 6. What is it called when an angle has a measurement under 90 degrees?
  6. 8. These are the sides that meet in a right angle of a right triangle.
  7. 11. What do you call two triangles that have corresponding angles and proportionate sides?
  8. 15. What is a side called when it is in between two angles?
  9. 16. A type of movement that keeps the shape the same is a _______.