Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 3. angles pair of non-adjacent angles sharing only a vertex
  2. 4. symmetry in which a rotation of less than 360° can map the shape onto itself
  3. 6. a pair of angles that are formed by two line and a transversal and that are inside the two lines and on opposite sides of the transversal
  4. 10. a transformation in which each point of the pre-image travels clockwise or counterclockwise around a fixed point a certain number of degrees
  5. 12. a transformation that preserves size and shape
  6. 13. a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines in different points
  7. 15. to divide into two equal or congruent parts
  8. 17. part of a line bound by two endpoints
  9. 19. the resulting figure after a transformation
  10. 21. a pair of nonadjacent angles that are formed by two lines and a transversal such that the angles are on the same side of the transversal and one of the angles is outside the two lines while the other angle is between the two lines
  11. 22. a change in the position, size, or orientation of a figure
  12. 25. an actual or imaginary line that creates a mirror image
  1. 1. two angles whose measures have a sum of 180°
  2. 2. figures that intersect to form right angles
  3. 5. a pair of angles that are both adjacent and supplementary; the two angles form a line
  4. 7. coplanar lines that do not intersect
  5. 8. In a reflection, the central line about which a figure produces its mirror image.
  6. 9. figures in which one maps to the other by a composition of rigid motions; having the same measure
  7. 11. point, line, plane
  8. 14. original figure prior to a transformation
  9. 16. the point on a segment that divides it into two congruent segments
  10. 18. two angles whose measures have a sum of 90°
  11. 20. a transformation that moves each point of a figure the same distance and in the same direction
  12. 23. a transformation in which a figure is flipped over a line
  13. 24. union of two rays with a common endpoint