Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 3. Math that studies shapes, angles, positions of figures.
  2. 4. A flat surface.
  3. 10. Lines that intersect at a right angle.
  4. 12. Triangle with no equal sides.
  5. 15. Straight path of points with definite length, having two endpoints.
  6. 18. The amount of space a 2D figure takes up.
  7. 20. Four-sided figure with four equal sides.
  8. 22. Point in the middle of a segment.
  9. 25. A triangle with all equal sides.
  10. 26. Line that cuts through two or more lines.
  11. 28. Distance across and through the center of a circle.
  12. 30. An angle measuring less than 90 degrees.
  13. 31. The point where two sides of an angle meet.
  1. 1. Figures have the same angle measures and side lengths.
  2. 2. Angles whose sum is 90 degrees.
  3. 5. Angles that share a side.
  4. 6. A triangle in which two sides have the same length.
  5. 7. In a right triangle, the side opposite the right angle.
  6. 8. Straight path of points that continues is two opposite directions.
  7. 9. Angles whose sum is 180 degrees.
  8. 11. Translations, Reflections, and Rotations maintain _____ motion.
  9. 13. Distance around a circle.
  10. 14. Distance from center to circumference of a circle.
  11. 16. Distance around a close planed figure.
  12. 17. Figures are the same shape, but not necessarily the same size.
  13. 19. Four-sided figure with four equal angles.
  14. 21. Angle that measures more than 90, but less than 180.
  15. 23. Lines that run in the same direction and do not cross.
  16. 24. The two shorter sides in a right triangle.
  17. 27. A four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides.
  18. 29. Has and endpoint and extends to infinity in one direction.