Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 3. A statement used to end something
  2. 5. A proposed explanation
  3. 7. Intersecting a system of lines
  4. 10. Same truth value for all possible combinations of truth
  5. 11. If P, Then Q
  6. 14. The sum of two or more addends is the same sum if distributed further along with more number
  7. 15. A surface that lays out points
  8. 16. if P leads to Q and P is true, then Q must be true
  9. 19. If p equals q and if q equals r, then p equals r
  10. 20. vertical angles Sum of 180
  11. 22. A number is always equal to itself
  12. 27. Lines that never intersect
  13. 28. A point where edges, or ends of lines meet
  14. 29. Statement made on missing information supplementary angles That make a straight angle when together
  15. 30. if and only if same equal measures
  16. 32. Using not and if not q-> then not p
  17. 33. common endpoint extending into opposite directions
  18. 34. A statement accepted without a proof inductive reasoning a method of drawing conclusions by going from specific to general
  19. 35. pair of adjacent angles formed when two lines intersect
  1. 1. A bar with one accurately straight edge
  2. 2. The point that is at the same distance from two points A(x1,y1)and B(x2,y2)
  3. 4. Add up to 90 degrees
  4. 6. Bisector a line that splits an angle into two angles
  5. 8. if the two angles are congruent, then the sides opposite the two angles are also congruent
  6. 9. for all real numbers x and y , if x=y , then y=x
  7. 12. The conditional with the word not included
  8. 13. one value can replace another value in an expression or equation and the value will remain the same
  9. 17. Used to determine the placement of a point
  10. 18. An instrument used for measuring angles
  11. 21. A dot used to show a location
  12. 23. That lie in a straight line counterexample An example that counters going against the statement
  13. 24. a statement that could be showed by examples
  14. 25. Has a point on one end and one side with no endpoint
  15. 26. Something that goes on forever
  16. 31. the opposite of a given matematical statement