Geometry Words

  1. 3. See image
  2. 8. If a shape is ____ then a ratio is needed 2:3
  3. 10. An angle that is in a circle that is from the circumference
  4. 11. SinA/a=SinB/b=SinC/c
  5. 13. Math class usually taken between Algebra 1 and 2
  6. 14. ((X1+X2)/2),((Y1+Y2)/2)
  7. 18. Equal sides 4 right angles
  8. 19. The area formula for this shape is Pi x r^2
  9. 21. This line would split another line in half
  10. 23. The axis that goes side to side
  11. 25. ____=opp/adj
  12. 27. The area formula for this shape is 4/3 x Pi x r^3
  13. 28. ____ of Giza
  14. 32. Square root of (X2-X1)^2+(Y2-Y1)^2
  15. 35. 3.14
  16. 36. You get this by adding all sides together of a shape
  17. 38. has 4 right angles in each corner but not a square
  18. 40. ____= adj/hyp
  19. 41. The area formula for this shape is ⅔ x Pi x r^2
  20. 43. A tool used to measure degrees
  21. 44. _____=180 degrees
  22. 45. Used to make constructions throughout the year (very helpful with circles)
  23. 47. A shape with 4 sides
  24. 50. ~
  25. 51. 3 sided shape
  1. 1. The area formula for this shape is BxH
  2. 2. A line that intersects a circle at only one point
  3. 4. See image
  4. 5. An angle in a circle that is from the center of a circle
  5. 6. shape that has 2 sets of parallel lines
  6. 7. Segment that ends on the circumference of a circle
  7. 9. The area formula for this shape is Pi x r^2 x H
  8. 12. See image
  9. 15. If you unfold a 3d shape and find the area of that unfolded shape that would be called the shapes?
  10. 16. The circumference of a sphere is called?
  11. 17. A^2+B^2=C^2
  12. 20. A shape you can fly when windy
  13. 22. The outside of a circle
  14. 24. The point in the middle of anything
  15. 26. A line that splits an angle is called a?
  16. 29. A tool used to measure distance
  17. 30. Commonly associated with LxWxH
  18. 31. The axis that goes up and down
  19. 33. See image
  20. 34. ____ = opp/hyp
  21. 37. Projects done throughout the year that had us make many shapes using a compass and other tools
  22. 39. The area formula for this shape ⅓ x Pi x r^2 x H
  23. 42. The area formula for this shape is (1/2h(B1+B2)
  24. 46. You find this by using this formula L=(X x C/360)
  25. 48. The ___ of a square is LxW
  26. 49. A way to know why something is something, example = SAS