
  1. 4. Starts at an initial point and extends forever in one direction.
  2. 6. No size and no dimensions.
  3. 7. angle Greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.
  4. 8. intercept form y=mx+b
  5. 10. angles Measure of angle 1+measure of angle 2= 90 degrees.
  6. 17. Connected straight path, has length but no width.
  7. 18. O
  8. 21. angle Measure is equal to 180 degrees.
  9. 22. angle Lower than 90 degrees and higher than 0 degrees.
  10. 23. Rules that are accepted without proof.
  11. 24. angles (X)
  12. 25. Part of a line that has two endpoints.
  1. 1. angle 90 degrees
  2. 2. angles Two angle whose measures make 180 degrees.
  3. 3. Divides a segment into 2 congruent segments.
  4. 5. bisector Ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles.
  5. 9. lines Lines that do not intersect and are not on the same plane.
  6. 11. rays Same initial point and meet to form a line.
  7. 12. lines Two lines that intersect to form a right angle.
  8. 13. angles Two angles that share a common side, and no common interior points.
  9. 14. Extends forever in all directions.
  10. 15. To divide into two congruent parts.
  11. 16. angles Two angles that have the same measure.
  12. 19. segment whose endpoints are the center of a circle and any point on the circle.
  13. 20. pair (Y)
  14. 23. lines //