
  1. 3. A polygon where all sides and angles are congruent
  2. 8. A line that divides a segment or angle into two congruent parts
  3. 9. An equilateral quadrilateral
  4. 11. A six sided polygon
  5. 12. A regular quadrilateral
  6. 13. A quadrilateral where both pair of opposite sides are parallel
  7. 14. A geometric statement accepted without proof
  8. 16. The longest side of a right triangle
  9. 17. A geometric proven statement
  10. 18. The measure of a right angle
  11. 19. Equal in measure and shape
  12. 20. What city do you live in?
  13. 22. Two different rays with a common initial point form a _____
  14. 23. Two lines in a plane that never intersect
  15. 24. A ten sided polygon
  1. 1. An angle less than 90 degrees
  2. 2. A triangle where all three sides are different sizes
  3. 4. A segment connecting two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon
  4. 5. A segment that connects the midpoints of two sides of a triangle
  5. 6. An angle greater than 90 but less than 180
  6. 7. Two or more sides of a triangle congruent
  7. 9. An equiangular quadrilateral
  8. 10. Two points and all points in between
  9. 13. Two lines which meet to form right angles
  10. 15. The intersection of a segment and a bisector
  11. 21. A quadrilateral with only two sides parallel