
  1. 2. the affect of being long and narrow
  2. 4. a figure with a prefix meaning "three"
  3. 6. a geometric form
  4. 8. set of values showing an exact position
  5. 9. the process of combining numbers and variables
  6. 12. a segment of something
  7. 13. a four sided polygon with four angles
  8. 15. space within two intersecting lines
  9. 16. a figure that finishes at its starting point
  10. 18. having to do with the same size and shape
  11. 23. having to do with extending in the same direction
  12. 25. designed to explain how something works
  13. 26. surface bounding a figure
  14. 27. standard amount of something
  15. 28. a verb connecting points on a graph
  1. 1. pertaining to unlike forms or quality
  2. 3. each angular point of a figure
  3. 5. pertaining to all of something
  4. 7. the source of having four right angles
  5. 8. the state of having association with something
  6. 10. a flat surface
  7. 11. a prefix meaning "many"
  8. 14. a state of measurement from end to end
  9. 15. extent or measurement of the size of a surface
  10. 17. a verb meaning similarity or dissimilarity between figures
  11. 19. the process of plotting relations between variables
  12. 20. the act of a mathematical rule
  13. 21. a collection of objects
  14. 22. that which has no part
  15. 24. a process of measuring from side to side