
  1. 2. identical in form
  2. 4. part of a line containing two endpoints and all points in between
  3. 5. goes forever in both directions
  4. 7. the starting point of a line segment or a ray
  5. 11. formula used to find the midpoint
  6. 15. two angles that add up to 90*
  7. 17. a line with one end point and confines forever in one direction
  8. 18. a flat surface that extends into all directions containing atleast 3 noncollinear points
  9. 19. points that are in the same plane
  1. 1. where two rays have the same endpoint
  2. 3. three or more points that are not on the same line
  3. 6. any point in space
  4. 8. the exact middle point
  5. 9. the space between two or more things
  6. 10. two angles that add up too 180*
  7. 12. formula used to find distance between points
  8. 13. three or more points on the same line
  9. 14. points that aren't in the same plane
  10. 16. having same number value