
  1. 1. Triangles are congruent when they have exactly the same three sides and exactly the same three angles.
  2. 2. this is the formula
  3. 4. consecutive interior angles may be defined as two interior angles lying on the same side of the transversal cutting across two parallel lines.this is also another name for consecutive.
  4. 9. When two lines are crossed by another line (which is the Transversal), the pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but outside the two lines are called
  5. 10. a three sided figure.
  6. 11. when two lines are crossed by another line (which is the Transversal), the pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but outside the two lines are called
  7. 12. two angles having the same vertex and having a common side between them.
  1. 1. the angles that occupy the same position at each intersection where a straight line crosses two others. If the two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles are equal.
  2. 2. an instrument for measuring angles.
  3. 3. a ray or line which starts at the vertex cuts an angle into two equal halves.
  4. 5. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.
  5. 6. when two lines are crossed by another line (which is the Transversal), the pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but inside the two lines are called
  6. 7. is the symbol for what?
  7. 8. each of the pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines.