
  1. 3. A line segment between two points on the circle or sphere which passes through the center
  2. 5. A line segment on the interior of a circle
  3. 6. A complete circular arc
  4. 7. The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle
  5. 9. The shortest distance between the base of a geometric figure and its top
  6. 11. The letters of ancient Greece, which are frequently used in
  7. 13. The line segment from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of a side, or the length of this segment
  8. 15. Distance (line segment) from center of a circle to any point on that circle's circumference
  1. 1. Equal distance
  2. 2. Next to; neighboring
  3. 4. Exactly equal in size and shape
  4. 8. A line which passes through at least two points of a curve
  5. 10. The center a polygon’s inscribed circle
  6. 12. Part of a curve
  7. 14. The geometric figure formed at the intersection of two distinct lines