
  1. 4. divide in (2) parts
  2. 5. lines are parallel if they are in the same plane and NEVER intersect
  3. 6. (2) angles whos measures have a sum of 90
  4. 11. Points that lie on the same line
  5. 12. (2) angles whose sides form two pairds of opposite rays
  6. 15. a part of a line that consists of (1) emdpoint
  7. 16. any segment,ray,line, or plane that intersect the segment at its midpoint
  8. 17. A ray that divides an angle into (2) adjacet angles
  9. 18. lines that have the same length
  10. 20. (2) angles which are both supplimentary and adjacent
  11. 21. The figured formed by (2) Rays with a common end point
  12. 22. a set of points that extends without end in (2) opposite directions
  13. 23. The point that divides a segment into (2) congruent segments
  1. 1. (2) angles in in the same plane that share a common side/vertex but have no common interior points
  2. 2. a location or position represented by a dot
  3. 3. n angle whos measure is always 180
  4. 7. an angle with a measurement betwen 90-180
  5. 8. A statemnemt that is accepted as true without any proof
  6. 9. an angle with a measurement between 0-90
  7. 10. (2) angles whos measures have a sum 180
  8. 13. a line that intersects (2) or more coplanar lines each in a diferent point
  9. 14. (2) angles that have the exact same measurement
  10. 19. an angle whos measure is always 90